LABUAN: The Labuan Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) has foiled an attempt by a small-time syndicate to misappropriate 575 litres of petrol, worth about RM1,180 in a raid near here today (May 5).

State enforcement chief officer Amiluddin Malang said the team, in the operation dubbed ‘Op Tiris’, raided an ungazetted jetty in the outskirt of town about 9am.

He said the syndicate was believed to have been active for quite some time.

“Based on information and intelligence gathered over the past one week, we managed to track the illegal movement.

“During the raid, we found that the subsidised petrol had been transferred into three drums onto a lorry, and preliminary investigations revealed that they did not have a permit to conduct such operations involving controlled goods,” he said today.

Amiluddin said the team then detained the lorry driver, 58, for further action.

The case is being investigated under Section 21, read together under Section 20 (1) of the Supply Control Act 1961.-Bernama