IT would appear that the home minister, police and Human Rights Commission of Malaysia are on the same page when it comes to the powers of the police to check mobile phones.
Q: I am a dad with two pre-teen sons, and I would love for them to enjoy the same sports and hobbies I do, as I think it will help us stay close as they grow up. Do you have any advice?
AT a recent birthday party for Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye hosted by some close friends, the legendary social activist quipped: “As long as I’m standing up, I’m not going to give up my service to the public as ...
“WHO, what, when and why should one be concerned with taking a deworming tablet?”. This was the quest I took over the last three years as I embarked on my PhD research.
THE country’s first public caning in Terengganu last month of a 42-year-old man for the offence of khalwat (being alone with a woman in a morally impermissible situation) created much interest.