WHEN I was just over nine years old, my journey with the Girl Guides began. My mum enrolled me, influenced by Aunty Melor, one of the dedicated leaders of Girl Guides. Little did I know then how significant this decision would be.

At that tender age, it was not just an after-school activity or a way to pass the time, it was an adventure that would shape my character and teach me invaluable life lessons.

It was a time of discovery, where every meeting and event brought new skills and friendships, and developed a strong sisterhood mindset.

Through this journey, I had the chance to connect with many inspiring icons. If you are progressive, you may even get the opportunity to travel internationally.

Let me share another part of my journey, as you know life is not a bed of roses. The real challenges began when I embarked on the journey to achieve the “Anugerah Pandu Puteri Tunas” award.

It was not an easy path – many sacrifices were needed, and tough choices had to be made. I had to maintain a detailed log, ensuring every aspect was documented meticulously.

It was daunting at times but it taught me the value of perseverance and attention to detail. I vividly remember a moment with my friends (Raisa, Ameera, Hani, Irysaa and Dian) when we were all working towards our “Pandu Puteri Tunas” award. At that point in time, we promised each other that we would not pursue the “Pandu Puteri Anugerah Remaja” because the tasks ahead seemed too overwhelming.

However, as we continued our journey, something incredible happened: all of us completed our “Anugerah Remaja” successfully.

Can you imagine we had completed one decade of friendship, thanks to Girl Guides and all the dedicated leaders who kept us connected?

Now, as we set our sights on the Queen’s Guide award this year, I am filled with pride and excitement. Each level has taught us something new.

We have learned the importance of a growth mindset, the power of collaboration and the courage to be bold and vocal. Our self-confidence has flourished through these experiences.

To all the girls out there, I encourage you to join Girl Guides. The journey will help you develop resilience and understand the importance of personal growth.

Lastly, our heartfelt thanks go out to our Girl Guides leaders and teachers. Your guidance and support have been invaluable. You have not only led us but inspired us to become the best versions of ourselves.

Resilience is born from facing challenges head-on and learning from each experience. In the company of friends and mentors, the impossible becomes achievable.