VLADIVOSTOK: A tsunami threat has been issued in the Russian Far Eastern cities of Vladivostok and Nakhodka, as well as on Sakhalin island, local authorities said on Monday.

Earlier in the day, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said that a 0.4 metre(1.3 feet) tsunami was recorded near the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP in Japan’s Niigata Prefecture. A tsunami threat was declared along Japan’s entire western coast from Hokkaido to Kyushu following a series of earthquakes of magnitude reaching 7.6.

“Attention! A tsunami threat was declared on January 1 at 6:40 pm local time,“ Sakhalian’s emergency service said.

The Vladivostok authorities also issued a tsunami threat alert, instructing the fishermen and all others at sea to return to the shore immediately.

“There is a potential threat of tsunami. In Nakhodka, the wave is expected to be 0.31 metres (1 ft) ... A dragnet alert is being issued, and warning sirens have gone off. According to civil defense and emergency situation specialists, there is no danger to the public,“ the Nakhodka administration said. - Bernama, Sputnik