Mahdzir: Observe speed limit in school area

23 Sep 2016 / 20:45 H.

BANGI: The absence of pedestrian crossing and failure of motorists to observe the speed limit in the school area is among factors that caused a student to be run over by a lorry in front of Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Teluk Medan, Bagan Serai, Perak, last Wednesday, said Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid (pix).
He said road accidents involving students in the school area could be avoided if motorists were to observe the speed limit.
Commenting on road accidents which happened in the vicinity of the school area, including at SK Teluk Medan, he said a school safety committee should be set up at the state and district level to look into traffic safety control at schools.
He told this to reporters after closing the National Permata Nobelist Mindset Workshop 2016) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) here today.
Mahdzir said there should also be cooperation between the school and parents by taking the necessary initiatives, including getting someone to help students to cross the road and monitor traffic in the school area.
Yesterday, Mahdzir was reported to have said that the ministry would discuss with the police to step up traffic safety in schools.
Commentiong on a video purportedly of two teachers smooching in school, as well as other recordings to give a bad image of teachers and the ministry that went viral on the social media, Mahdzir said the ministry had sought the assistance of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to identify those responsible for spreading them.
At the event, 24 students, six teachers and six young researchers have been selected to represent the country at the Permata Science Institute Workshop, to be held with the cooperation of the Royal Society of London in London this December. — Bernama

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