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YOGYAKARTA: Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple nestled in the heart of Central Java, Indonesia, witnessed a vibrant and spiritually enriching celebration as thousands of devotees and tourists gathered to commemorate Wesak Day on Thursday night.

Among the numerous rituals and festivities, the releasing of lanterns embellished the night sky, imparting a magical ambiance to the esteemed event.

Thousands of lanterns were lit this year, attracting not only Buddhists but also those belonging to other religions, aimed at cultivating the mind towards enlightenment.

Head of Buddha Mahanikaya Religious Group, Agus Jaya said, when met at Borobudur Temple here, that the lantern festival attracts both local and international tourists

“The celebrations included prayers and meditation, collecting holy water and the release of lanterns symbolising the letting go of negativity,“ he said.

In certain Buddhist traditions and regions, the visibility of the full moon significantly influences the date of Wesak.

Borobudur Temple built in the ninth century is a UNESCO World Heritage Site today.