SEREMBAN: The family of Nour Rania Asyifaa Yuseri, affectionately known as Baby Syifaa, faced a challenging period during the inquest into the death of their 15-month-old daughter. They are now relieved and grateful to have received a substantial defence in the case.
The baby’s mother, Anida Idrus, 43, acknowledged that nothing can bring her toddler back, but the family remains resolute in their quest for justice for their daughter.
“The inquest results provided some solace, when the Coroner confirmed that my daughter was ‘brought in dead’ upon arrival at the clinic,” Anida said, referring to the condition where a person is brought to a medical facility in a deceased state.
“Alhamdulillah, despite the lengthy process, we have finally secured a defence for Baby Syifaa. Everything we’ve done is for Syifaa. Although each day is difficult and nothing can bring her back, I have come to accept this as fate,” Anida told reporters, immediately after the inquest.
Today, the Coroner’s Court concluded that Baby Syifaa’s death, which occurred two years ago, when she was found unconscious in a cloth cradle at her daycare centre in Sendayan, was due to pressure on her neck.
Coroner Datin Surita Budin, when delivering the decision, said that the baby’s death was not an accident, but was caused by the condition of the baby hanging in the cradle, left unattended by the babysitter.
Lawyer Gaithri Thomas, holding a watching brief for the baby’s family, noted that today’s ruling by the Coroner’s Court found the babysitter, who is also the 19th witness in the case, was negligent for leaving the baby unattended for two hours.
Gaithri will also discuss possible further actions with the victim’s family, including pursuing civil action to seek justice for the case.
The media previously reported that Baby Syifaa was discovered unconscious in a cradle, at a daycare centre in Taman Nusari Aman, Bandar Sri Sendayan, on Feb 22, 2022.
A total of 28 witnesses, including Baby Syifaa’s parents, have testified throughout the inquest proceedings, which began on Sept 22, 2022.