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Fiesta celebrates royal town’s cultural diversity, community bonds and rich history

KLANG: The royal town of Klang lived up to its promise of a spectacular weekend as it successfully hosted its Heritage Fiesta on Nov 25 and 26 at Stadium Kota Raja here.

The event, organised by the Klang Municipal Council (MPK), unfolded as a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity, community bonds and a showcase of the soon-to-be city’s rich heritage.

Klang took on an air of festivity as its residents partook in a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity and unity.

$!Borhan gamefully serves a visitor a bowl of dessert during the fiesta.

The event, meticulously planned and smoothly executed, saw a myriad of activities that showcased the rich tapestry of traditions and heritage that define Klang.

Council president Noraini Roslan expressed her delight at the turnout at the Heritage Fiesta, saying it surpassed her expectations.

She said she anticipated a positive response from the community, but the sheer number of attendees far exceeded her expectation. It created an atmosphere that was brimming with enthusiasm and a shared sense of pride in Klang’s cultural heritage, she added.

The event, which Noraini described as a passion project, saw an impressive turnout of nearly 400 attendees.

$!Borhan takes a closer look at a demonstration of dumpling making.

She said the diverse array of activities, from cultural exhibitions to traditional competitions, evidently struck a chord with the residents, fostering a deep connection to the cultural tapestry that defines Klang.

As she stood amidst the lively crowd, Noraini paid tribute to the collective effort that went into making the event a success.

“The positive response from the community reinforced the importance of creating platforms that celebrate cultural diversity and heritage, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the traditions that contribute to the vibrancy of Malaysia,” she said.

Noraini extended her appreciation to those who contributed to the event’s success, from organisers and collaborators to the participants.

“This impressive turnout symbolises the remarkable level of community engagement we have here, underscoring the unity and enthusiasm that will undoubtedly pave the way for our illustrious journey towards attaining city status,” she said.

The pinnacle of the two-day event centred on the unveiling of the Klang Bahagia Berintegriti mural at the Park & Ride Komuter Klang station.

This moment was not only a grand spectacle but also a testament to the diligent efforts invested by the talented painters, with their artistic expressions.

$!Visitors take wefies during the Heritage Fiesta.

The mural served as a vivid and captivating embodiment of the theme, Klang Bahagia Berintegriti, showcasing the fusion of art and integrity, and leaving a lasting impression on all those who witnessed the completion of the painters’ hard work.

Muhammad Suhaimi Ali, the designer and the lead painter shared insights into the intricate process of bringing the artistic vision to life, saying: “Crafting the mural’s design was a meticulous endeavour that spanned several days.

“The entire journey, from the conceptualisation of the design to the completion of the mural painting, spanned approximately two weeks.

“Within this timeframe, a significant portion of the endeavour, precisely 10 days, was dedicated exclusively to the meticulous process of bringing the mural to life.

“The complexity of the task required not only alignment with the designated theme but also meticulous scrutiny by both the council and Rasuah Busters,” he added.

Suhaimi said with a team of just six individuals and the challenging weather, particularly rain, they were grateful to have completed the project within the designated timeline.

$!A stall offering tanjak for sale at the event.

On the message conveyed through the mural, Yayasan Sinar Untuk Malaysia (Rasuah Busters) CEO Nurhayati Nordin said the mural serves not only as a representation of unity among different ethnicities but also as a symbol of the cohesiveness within the Klang community.

Nurhayati expressed how the mural transcended its artistic appeal, evolving into a meaningful emblem that fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity among the culturally diverse population of Klang.

Explaining the choice of a mural as the trademark for the event, Nurhayati highlighted the unique impact that visual art possesses.

$!Noraini flags off the Heritage Fiesta Fun Walk.

“The mural was chosen not just for its captivating imagery but also for its potential as a powerful publicity tool.

“The image representation within the mural can captivate individuals, drawing their attention and fostering a deeper connection with the event’s message.

“Moreover, the visibility of the mural provides a strategic avenue for the community to engage with the artwork and respond in a manner that aligns with the event’s goals,” she said.

In choosing a mural to achieve that aim, Nurhayati pointed out the dual role of art of being visually engaging and an effective means of initiating community dialogue and participation.