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IPOH: A total of 54 illegal immigrants were arrested in raids on 16 residential and business premises in Kinta district here during a two-day operation that began yesterday.

Perak Immigration director Meor Hezbullah Meor Abd Malik said the immigrants were detained for various offences under the Immigration Act 1959/63 and the Immigration Regulations 1963 following complaints and intelligence gathering at those locations.

“Forty-nine men and five women, 22 to 56, were arrested and are believed to have come from Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan,” he said in a statement today, adding that they are being held at the Ipoh Immigration Depot for investigation and further action.

They are being investigated under Section 6(1)(c) and Section 15(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for being in the country without a valid pass and for overstaying, as well as under Regulation 39(b) of the Immigration Regulations 1963 for violating the conditions of their passes.

He also stressed that the department would take stern action against those who employ or harbour illegal immigrants, and hoped that the public would report such matters to his department.