PUTRAJAYA: The implementation procedure for pre-marriage course during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) and post-CMCO is being finalised, said Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Paimuzi Yahya.

In a statement today, he said Jakim, in collaboration with State Islamic Religious Departments (JAINs), was also preparing the teaching mechanism for the Islamic Pre-Marriage Course Integrated Module which would be used during the period.

“The procedure which encompasses among others, the registration methods, ethics of speakers, organising committee and participants as well as collection of certificate and other related matters will serve as a guideline for JAIN to conduct the Islamic pre-marriage course,” he said.

Paimuzi said among the things to be considered in preparing the procedure were reducing the social interaction and limiting the movement of participants and speakers as well as social distancing.

He said Jakim and JAINs would also consult the National Security Council and the Ministry of Health on the matter.

Paimuzi said more information on the pre-marriage course could be obtained from the respective JAINs. - Bernama