PUTRAJAYA: The Public Service Reform Agenda mooted by the Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN) Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar will focus on five key result areas and be strengthened with 20 strategies.

The five key result areas are Appreciation of Values and Governance; Human Capital Development; Organisational Development; Service Delivery and Empowering Public and Private Synergies.

Speaking at the KSN Leadership Aspiration Programme here today, Shamsul Azri said most of the key result areas are ‘low hanging fruits’, but some require medium- and long-term implementation.

As such, he said the government would adopt associated and integrated strategies in a bid to realise the Public Service Reform Agenda.

“Associated strategy emphasises the whole-of-nation concept involving the private sector, while Integrated strategy emphasises the whole-of-government concept which involves an integration of government departments and agencies,” he said.

Shamsul Azri said the reform agenda will be implemented using five approaches, namely developing strategic cooperation and synergy between the agencies involved; sharing resources optimally; improving service delivery, highlighting initiatives that provide a return on investment; as well as ensuring that every initiative implemented contributes directly to MADANI Economy goals.

He said by sharing resources optimally, it would be able to break the silo walls between various entities.

“The sharing of information and communication between departments should also be facilitated in order to speed up the implementation of the reforms we dream of,” he said.

The Chief Secretary said the Public Service Reform Agenda would also be empowered by two key enablers that will help map the success of public service reform, namely monitoring, measurement and performance evaluation; and total communication.

Under the first key enabler, he hopes that the monitoring committees such as the Malaysia MADANI Action Council (MTMM), the Special Task Force on Agency Reform (STAR), the Special Task Force on Business Facilitation (PEMUDAH) and the Service Delivery Monitoring Committee (JP4), can further strengthen the elements of the agenda.