PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Humanitarian Aid and Relief (MAHAR), today applauded the recent findings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), declaring Israel’s long-term occupation of Palestinian territory “unlawful”, amounting to de facto annexation.

The ICJ had called on Israel to rapidly quit the occupied territories and ruled that Palestinians were due reparations for the harm caused following 57 long years by an occupation that systematically discriminates against them.

“While the findings by the ICJ are expected, what remains shocking to us is the fact that much of the western world is refusing to heed the findings and stop its financing and weaponising of Israel in the latter’s ongoing genocidal onslaught against occupied Palestinians.

“We call on everyone to not only respect the findings by the ICJ and to uphold justice, the rule of law, and the survival of an international world order,” Mahar honorary advisor Nurul Izzah Anwar said in a statement.

Mahar also called on all nations to follow in the footsteps of Brazil and show their support for Palestine by entering into a free trade agreement with the Palestinian Authority.

Izzah said this would help create concrete bilateral educational and medical opportunities for all Palestinians and be a strong show of support for them.

“This move, in line with the recognition and support for the state of Palestine is crucial to legitimise and forward the cause of human rights, against the ongoing persecution by Israel as well as a litany of legislation introduced to guise any criticism of the rogue state and its war crimes as antisemitic,” the PKR vice-president said.

ALSO: International community needs to force Israel to face justice

She said MAHAR also applauded the recent findings of the International Court of Justice, declaring Israel’s long-term occupation of Palestinian territory “unlawful”, amounting to de facto annexation.

“While the findings by the ICJ are expected, what remains shocking to us is the fact that much of the Western world is refusing to heed the findings and stop its financing and weaponizing of Israel in the latter’s ongoing genocidal onslaught against occupied Palestinians.

“We call on everyone to not only respect the findings by the ICJ – uphold justice, the rule of law, and the survival of an international world order – but to also remain mindful of the list of companies that remain complicit in Israel’s war crimes,” said the prime minister’s daughter.

On June 20, 2024, Izzah said UN Special Rapporteurs, independent experts and working groups issued the call for “states to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel”.

“Arms manufacturers supplying Israel – including BAE Systems, Boeing, Caterpillar, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Oshkosh, Rheinmetall AG, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, RTX, and ThyssenKrupp should also end transfers, even if they are executed under existing export licences.

“By sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunition to Israeli forces, these companies risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws,” she added.

She said Israel also used the weapons supplied by these companies to attack Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen.

“We are running out of time and need to stand united to restore international rule of law and protect human rights.

“Mahar stands firm and ready to serve – in line with its ongoing commitment in providing refuge, and in rendering support to Palestinians through Ops Ihsan,” she added.