PUTRAJAYA: Students across the country will get to showcase their cooking skills again and this time it involves creating wholesome home-cooked meals.

They will be taking part in the 23rd Maggi Secondary Schools Cooking Competition 2019 that was launched at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Presint 11 today.

The competition, themed “You and Maggi – Making a positive impact through homemade meals” is also aimed at inspiring students to embrace a higher order thinking skill.

This is a joint initiative by Maggi and the Education Ministry.

Zainal Abas, director of the co-curricular and arts division at the ministry, said such collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors could help to nurture a healthy generations of Malaysians.

Maggi marketing manager, Kimberly Oh, said this year’s competition would kick off with the creative cooking challenge that would require competitors to tap into their creativity and problem-solving skills right from the start.

“Apart from cooking, the students must also present their recipes and dishes, so there will also be greater emphasis on presentation and communication skills,” she said. The competition will be at the state and national levels.

Participants will be given a collection of ingredients and they will have to create their dishes using only those ingredients.

To date, over 10,000 schools and 340,000 students have participated in this programme and gained vital knowledge and skills on food, nutrition and healthy eating.