KUALA LUMPUR: The 125th Meeting of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs (MKI) Muzakarah Committee has agreed to a prohibition order to be issued by the Home Ministry against 12 books deemed harmful to the Muslims in the country.
The 12 titles are The Goal of The Wise by Abdullah Hashem Aba al-Sadiq (2022); Memahami dan Menyingkapi Tradisi Tuhan - Kebangkitan yang Dibenci tapi Dirindui by Ahmad Mesiyyakh (2022); Manusia Sebelum Adam by Luqmanul Hakim Abdul Razak (2023); Suhuf Abraham (without author and year of publication); Suka Duka Perjalanan Dhul Qarnain (without author and year of publication); and Islam, Autoritarianisme dan Kemunduran Bangsa by Ahmet T. Kuru (2024).
Perikatan Ulama Negara Punca Autoritatianisme dan Kemunduran Dunia Muslim by Ahmet T. Kuru (2022); Golongan Muslim Pertama, Sejarah dan Memori by Asma Afsaruddin (2018); Jalan Kebenaran Universal (without author and year of publication); Duhai Hati - Menarilah Bersamaku by Ismail Ariffin @ Lepat (2023); Kaidah Moral dan Disiplin (without author and year of publication); and Penemuan Terbaru Akidah Bersanad Imam AI-Shafi’i by Sadr al-Din Abu al-Wafa’ Sulayman bin Yusuf al-Tasufi (2024).
“All 12 books presented contain teachings and ideologies that are contrary to the beliefs of Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah (AI-Asya’irah AI- Maturidiyyah), Syariah laws and morals, which can also confuse the Muslims.
“Therefore, the books in question should be banned,” MKI Muzakarah Committee chairman Datuk Dr Nooh Gadot said in a statement today.
Nooh also reminded all Muslims that it is prohibited to own, print, sell, as well as share any parts of the content of the books.
The decision was made at the MKI Muzakarah Committee meeting which took place from Sept 24 to 26 last year to discuss the decision of the 96th Islamic Media Advisory Committee (JPMBI) Meeting.