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IT is most regrettable to note recent incidents that touch on various racial and religious sensitivities. It is time for Malaysians of all walks of life to practise moderation.

Do not let selfish and sometimes downright evil individuals divide us.

We are and have always been a brotherhood of Malaysians through thick and thin.

Undoubtedly, there are times where the spirit and sense of unity and togetherness have been put to the test.

We have not come this far and achieved so much to be divided by petty grievances. Our civic duty and moral responsibility towards each other is bigger and more noble.

Do not be led astray. Trying times such as the Covid-19 pandemic saw Malaysians band together to help each other in cash and in kind.

We were there for one another. There was no distinction, we were united as one. Lives and livelihoods was the order of the day.

The commitment, dedication and responsibility shown was a stellar example of the Malaysian way of life.

We do not need another pandemic to teach us or remind us to be kind to one another. It is of paramount importance for us to do it now.

Let us change for the better and practise moderation in our words and actions.

We do not have to search far, just look at online social media platforms to witness heated exchanges.

While free speech is part of a modern society, it should not be abused.

We should keep faith in our religion, and believe in the good of others.

Let us remember, embrace and put into action the National Principles or Rukun Negara, which have always been a source of strength and a guiding light for nation-building and unity in Malaysia.

Yeap Ming Liong Subang Jaya