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Instagram account goes viral for sharing Malaysians’ salaries anonymously

LAST week, the Instagram account, @malaysianpaygap, went viral, garnering more than 100k followers on Instagram since its inception on Feb 22.

The account was started by is Prestine D. (@9hoursofsenses), who wanted to get more people talking about their salaries, and also to help fellow Malaysians find out if they’re underpaid.

People are encouraged to share details such as their job scope, position, age, duration in the field, salary details, race, gender, academic qualifications and more, so other people can check if they are receiving the pay they should be getting.

Anyone is welcome to send in information anonymously, and messages are deleted once posted to protect their personal data.

Although it was once taboo to share your salary details, people are seemingly starting to realise that keeping their salary details confidential benefits only the employers.

As the platform grew quickly, the comment sections of each post were flooded with discussions as people talked about the problems they faced in their industry, and other people chimed in for support.

When the admin saw how fast the platform was growing, she launched a Discord group where everyone can chat and discuss anonymously.

Hopefully, the Instagram page will encourage pay transparency so Malaysians can advocate for better wages for themselves.

Currently, running the account is a one-woman show, and she’s recruiting volunteers to join the team, so if you’re interested in doing what you can help, head over to their page to find out more.

Malaysian Pay Gap’s Instagram account that went viral, garnering more than 100k followers in under a week.