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AN ERRANT motorist was charged RM256.20 as a result of habitually skipping paying toll charges multiple times until the driver was told to pay on the spot by highway personnel.

According to a Twitter post by @SILKHighway, the driver was flagged down along the Kajang SILK highway on Oct 15 by personnel from Projek Lintasan Kota Holdings Sdn Bhd (Prolintas).

They held the driver on the spot, and instructed the perpetrator to pay the pending toll charges totalling RM256.20, inclusive of administrative fees, after skipping toll payments 59 times.

According to WauPost, The Twitter post invited many angry netizens calling for further punishment for the driver and their tailgating modus operandi, suggesting higher penalties or even a prison sentence for such offences.

“They should be fined or sent to prison. My car has been tailgated so many times because of thieves like these,” one angry netizen posted.

“By right they should be fined 5x times the amount that they owe, then only would it make sense. If they don’t want to pay the toll, use other roads. They are endangering other road users by tailgating,” added another netizen.