KUALA KRAI: Six villages in the interior of Kuala Krai categorised as Points of Sale will enjoy subsidised prices for basic necessities through the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry’s (KPDN) Price Standarisation Programme (Necessities, LPG and Community Drumming) that begins today.
Kelantan KPDN director Azman Ismail said around 10,000 residents of the six villages, Pasir Kelang Baru, Pasir Kelang Lama, Kampung Takul, Estate Takul, Kampung Buyong and Kampung Bahagia, would benefit from the programme.
“Residents can enjoy government-controlled subsidised prices for necessities such as sugar, cooking oil, wheat flour, rice, liquid petroleum gas and RON95 petrol.
“The residents face limitations, including in terms of transport to town, to obtain necessities and other items. Previously, they had to pay a higher price for such items due to the transport (ferry) costs imposed,” he said during a media conference at the programme launch in Pasir Kelang here today.
With the programme, residents would be able to enjoy necessities at subsidised prices without the need of crossing the river, he said, adding that the ministry is also holding Mobile Rahmah MADANI Sales at Pasir Kelang Mart, offering 37 basic necessities with a price reduction of 30 per cent compared to market prices.
“Insya-Allah the programme will continue to be implemented and we hope that the residents will take the opportunity to obtained necessities at affordable prices and reduce their burden,” he added.