EVERY FAMILY has its ups and downs and in some families, the child’s worth is sometimes tied to their achievements which can create a gap between the other children in the family caused by the parents’ or other family members’ favoritism.

An anonymous young woman confessed on a Twitter page @ConfessTweetMY that her parents make her complete the house chores and errands during Hari Raya due to their bias towards her more successful siblings.

She added that she works away from her hometown but just because she has a ‘normal’ job, her parents have her come back earlier to help prepare for her siblings’ arrival.

“I do not like coming back to my hometown for Hari Raya. My more successful younger siblings waltz into my parents’ house acting like VIPs and I am stuck doing all the house chores preparing for their arrival,” she said in her confession.

She then pointed out that she and her siblings grew up the same way, with her parents treating them equally but she noticed a shift in her parents’ behaviour as soon as her siblings made it big in life.

“When we were growing up, we were raised the same way by my parents, like getting equal punishments if we did something wrong.

“But once my siblings started having successful careers or got married, I could tell the difference in their treatment towards us, especially during Hari Raya,” she added.

The anonymous woman went on to say that her siblings never once lifted a finger to help her and that her parents make her come back earlier to help out with preparations.

“All they do when they come back to my parent’s house is just sit down and chat, not bothered to help out. They also complain about how hot the house is.

“After they’re done eating, they just leave the dishes on the table and disappear back to their homes. Who else is left to clean up but me?” she said.

She concluded her post by stating that she hopes other biased parents see her confession and realize the error of their ways before its too late.