KOTA BHARU: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) in Kelantan seized 744 kilogrammes of coarse granulated sugar transported in two cars attempting to smuggle them into a neighbouring country.

Kelantan KPDN director Azman Ismail said the successful raid was conducted by KPDN enforcement officers in collaboration with the marine police at the Aziz illegal landing point in Kampung Simpangan, Tumpat, at 8.30 pm.

During the operation, the team detected two Proton Wira Aeroback cars parked at the location. An inspection revealed that the cars were loaded with 432 kilogrammes and 312 kilogrammes of coarse granulated sugar, respectively, valued at RM2,120, he said.

He said initial investigations indicated that the controlled goods were to be smuggled into a neighbouring country via Sungai Golok, due to the high demand from across the border.

In another incident, a man in his 20s was detained for carrying 100 litres of petrol in a modified tank of a Proton Iswara, suspected to be intended for smuggling. The suspect was apprehended at a petrol station in Kampung Kepulau near Palekbang, Tumpat, at 11 am yesterday.

Azman said both cases are being investigated under the Control of Supplies Act 1961 for possession of controlled goods with the intent to commit an offence.