MyHero Award recipient honours charitable legacy of late patriarch by distributing food to underprivileged

PETALING JAYA: Coming from a family with a passion for community service, Muhammad Farhan Param Kunaseigaran has taken up the mantle of his late father’s charitable legacy.

The 37-year-old’s journey of providing food to those in need was deeply inspired by his father’s lifelong practice of sharing meals, a tradition that Muhammad Farhan has expanded into a significant community project.

Sharing his story with theSun, he said since he was a child, he saw his father Kunaseigaran Ponnusamy frequently providing cakes, nasi lemak and other food items to people he met.

“I once asked him why he gave food to others when our family was not well-off. At the time, he was working only as a school janitor.

“My father said if we bought food and ate it at home, we would only feed ourselves. But if we shared it, we can serve many.”

His father’s actions and words left a lasting impression on Muhammad Farhan.

He after his father passed away in 2021 at the age of 68, those words inspired him to start the Food Charity Project during the Covid-19 pandemic with his mother Pushperani Ponnusamy, 63, and brother Mohan Kunaisegaran, 38.

The operations began modestly, with Muhammad Farhan distributing just three packets of nasi lemak to underprivileged residents in his neighbourhood.

But the initiative quickly gained momentum with the help of friends, and he now regularly provides between 200 and 300 food packets to those in need.

Currently serving as an information officer at the National Blood Centre, Muhammad Farhan said he distributes food every Saturday or Sunday without fail.

“We focus on those in need, including the elderly, and we distribute the food packets from house to house.”

Muhammad Farhan, who was appointed a Unity Ambassador by the National Unity Ministry, also said he bears the bulk of the food costs from his own funds, but his friends supplement it as and when they can.

His unwavering dedication to helping vulnerable groups has not gone unnoticed.

Recognised by the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Muhammad Farhan was honoured with the MyHero 4.0 Award 2023, which he dedicated to his late father.

The recognition honours those who exemplify unwavering commitment to serving others selflessly, as true heroes and heroines.

In 2014, 2016, and 2018, a total of 18 Malaysians, including Muhammad Farhan, were bestowed with MyHero awards.

Reflecting on his achievement, he expressed gratitude and said: “Upon receiving the award, I felt a deep sense of appreciation, knowing that the prize money could make a meaningful impact by aiding the less fortunate with essential food supplies.”

He emphasised the collaborative effort behind his success, acknowledging the support of his friends, without whom his accomplishments would not have been possible.

Muhammad Farhan sees the recognition as a source of encouragement, boosting a greater drive to contribute positively to the well-being of all Malaysians.