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GEDONG: Gedong is now officially a district in Sarawak, a recognition that will improve the way of life of the community and subsequently turn it into a satellite city for the Samarahan area.

Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg (pix) said as a new district, Gedong will have a more organised and detailed infrastructure and administrative structure.

“We will plan for Gedong as a satellite township and the village areas, as well as longhouses, will enjoy the benefits of modern agriculture.

“Gedong will have a development approach under the Integrated Regional Samarahan Development Agency (IRSDA), an agency that plans and further develops districts in the Samarahan area, including Gedong,” he said when declaring Gedong as a new district here today.

Apart from Gedong, Abang Johari also officiated four other new districts – Sebuyau, also in Samarahan; Siburan in Serian; Lingga and Pantu in Sri Aman, as well as the sub-district of Balai Ringin in Serian.

According to Abang Johari, Gedong will be a biodiversity-based research centre due to the presence of higher education institutions in the Samarahan area.

He said its rural parts would be transformed into modern areas showcasing the beauty of Sarawak culture.

“The government is focusing on rural development through the construction of roads including coastal roads, and economic sectors such as agriculture and tourism in the Gedong, Simunjan and the surrounding areas,” he added.

At the same event, Abang Johari presented a compensation cheque for land acquired for the Jalan Lubok Teranggas project as well as the road upgrading project around Simunjan worth RM5.35 million.

He also presented a temporary occupation license for the Kampung Masjid Gedong Phase II Expansion scheme. — Bernama