PETALING JAYA: The owner of a petrol station near Sungai Bakap, Penang is facing penalties of up to RM1 million after they were detected selling subsidised petrol to foreigners, following the incident which went viral on social media.

Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN)’s director, S. Jegan said his team had taken note of the viral images, according to Berita Harian.

He said that the checks done on the CCTV footage revealed the premises allowed a foreign-registered vehicle to be filled with subsidised petrol at 2.24pm, yesterday (July 21).

“We have taken note of the incident involving a vehicle with a neighbouring country’s registration number refueling with subsidisee RON95 petrol at a station near the Sungai Bakap rest area.

“Based on the viral complaint, the vehicle with a Thai registration number refueled using a yellow nozzle, suspected to be RON95.

ALSO READ: Penang KPDN held man buying petrol to smuggle to neighbouring country

“Following that, several related documents have been seized to assist further investigation,”he was quoted as saying.

He stressed KPDN will conduct more aggressive monitoring for all petrol stations especially those that are located near the border to prevent leakages of subsidised petrol to foreign vehicles.

He further explained strict action will be taken towards any party that violates Control of Supplies Act 1961 (Act 122) and Control of Supplies Regulations 1974.

Jegan added that, upon conviction, individuals can be fined up to RM1 million or imprisoned for up to three years, or both, while corporations or companies can be fined up to RM2 million.