TAWAU: The Sabah Immigration Department (JIM) deported 104 illegal immigrants from Indonesia from the Tawau Port to the Nunukan Port, Terminal Tunon Taka, Indonesia yesterday.

Sabah Immigration Director Datuk Sh Sitti Saleha Habib Yussof said that the transfer process involved detainees at the Tawau Immigration Depot aged between two and 55 years, comprising 78 men, 21 women, and five children who were deported by ferry.

“This is the 12th series of the deportation programme for illegal immigrants by sea for the year 2024. They were detained for various offences under the Immigration Act 1959/63 and the Immigration Regulations 1963.

“Sentences are based on the country’s legal processes up to the point of deportation to their home countries,“ she said in a statement today.

According to Sh Sitti Saleha, the deporation of the Indonesian citizens was carried out in collaboration with the Indonesian Consulate in Tawau.