SHAH ALAM: The Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah today attended a Yasin recital and ‘doa selamat’ ceremony in conjunction with the state-level Warriors’ Day 2024 celebration at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque here.

Also present were Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari, state secretary Datuk Haris Kasim, 11th Infantry Brigade commander Brigadier General Shahir Hafizul Abd Rahman and Selangor police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan.

The Yasin recitation and prayers were led by Selangor Mufti Datuk Dr Anhar Opir and joined by officers and members of security forces serving in Selangor.

Sultan Sharafuddin later performed the Friday prayers and listened to a sermon titled ‘Pahlawan Negara Diredai dan Perjuangan Diwarisi’.

Warriors’ Day is celebrated on July 31 each year to honour the struggles and sacrifices of the members of the national security forces to protect the country’s sovereignty.