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CHUKAI: A toy shop trader was fined RM4,500 at the Kemaman Magistrate’s Court here today, after pleading guilty to two charges of possessing 110 imitation firearms in January.

For the first charge, Wan Muhammad Faezyl Wan Mansor, 31, was charged with possessing nine imitation weapons at his business premises in Bandar Baru Kijal and the remaining 101 imitation firearms were stored by the accused at his residence in Kerteh for the second charge.

The offences were committed by the man at 2.30 pm and 3.45 pm respectively, on Jan 5 under Section 36 of the Arms Act 1960, which is possession and importation of imitation weapons.

If convicted, he can be sentenced to a maximum of one year in prison or a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or both.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Lim Zhan Yi requested the court to impose a commensurating sentence on the accused, but lawyer Nur Farahin Shazlin Mohd Redhuan Shah Edwin in her appeal requested a lower sentence due to the accused’s financial circumstances.

Magistrate Sharifah Amirda Shasha Amir Sharifuddin then ordered the accused to pay a fine of RM2,000 and RM2,500 respectively, in addition to three months’ jail if he fails to pay the fine for each charge.