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SEREMBAN: The Sessions Court here today fined two drivers after they pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of diesel.

Judge Mohamad Kamil Nizam meted out a fine of RM15,000, (in default three months in jail) on Kuah Kar Weng, 26, and RM15,000 (in default five months in jail) on Goh Sey Sim, 45.

According to the charge, Kuah was found in violation of g Regulation 3(1) of the Control of Supplies Regulation 1974 for having in his custody 2,202 litres of diesel oil in a lorry at a petrol station in Rasah, here at 1.15 am on Oct 7, last year.

Goh was charged with a similar offence involving 1,507 litres of diesel in a lorry at a petrol station in Mambau, here at 1.30 am on the same day.

In doing so, they have committed an offence under Regulation 21(1) of the Control of Supplies Regulation 1974 which can be punished under Section 22(1) of the Supply Control Act 1961 which provides a fine of not more than RM1 million or imprisonment not more than three years, or both, upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Nor Alimah Mohd Sanusi from the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry appeared for the prosecution, while Kuan and Goh were represented by lawyer Royston Tan.