ALTHOUGH many programmes were launched by the relevant authorities and non-governmental organisations to educate the public to separate their household waste as part of efforts to protect the environment, many households have yet to do so.

Many feel it’s a daunting task to separate their waste.

Daunting or not, they fail to realise that separation is crucial if the waste are to be processed properly without polluting the environment.

Many households dispose their garbage without giving much thought, as long it’s collected by the garbage collector.

Garbage bags are not properly tied, resulting in spillage of waste and littering of roads.

How many people are aware of the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007, which requires household waste to be separated, failing which offenders are slapped with compound fines?

There are numerous websites with clear guidelines teaching people how to separate waste.

Hence, there is no excuse for people to say they do not know how.

Waste separation and recycling reduces our dependence on landfills and lessens their negative impact on our environment.

To create a sustainable Malaysia for us and our future generations, it’s high time we made a conscious and deliberate effort to separate our waste at the source, our kitchens.

Education and stricter enforcement are vital.

Prema Mammen
