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Each of these types of attraction leads us to different people and helps us to become the person we are

FROM a formal standpoint, attraction is an incoherent individualised combination of perhaps psychological and biological ideas. There isn’t always an explanation or distinguishing element for why one person is drawn to another or why someone has difficulty shifting their mind away from someone they’ have only just met. Just as there is no one way to love, there is no one way to be attracted to another person which might be perplexing if, for example, you are romantically drawn to someone but not sexually. And, of course, what one person finds appealing may make another grimace. While most people associate attraction with sexual attraction, there are several other sorts of attraction that people feel throughout their lives.

$!Portrait of cheerful group of friends having a conversation at the cafe. – 123RF

Aesthetic attraction

Aesthetic attraction is when you believe something is lovely and visually appealing but do not feel compelled to pursue any form of physical, romantic, platonic, or sexual interaction. You may come across people in your life who you consider to be stunningly gorgeous, whether they are people you know or celebrities you see in the media. This sort of attraction entails having an attraction for a person’s visual, aesthetic look, but it does not extend to seeking any type of contact or interaction with that person. Aesthetic attraction might also apply to other visual items that you come into contact with. This form of appeal effects the things you choose to buy as well as the design you utilise in your house.

Romantic attraction

Although neither more nor less intricate than sexual attraction, romantic desire runs deeper, since there is a need for a relationship that is not only about sex. Romantic attraction is the desire to be closely associated with another person or to build a relationship based on mutually beneficial connections and experiences. You may feel personally engaged in, or desire to be invested in, the lives, feelings, and experiences of another individual.

These sensations are comparable to friendships, but they go further than regular friendships in that romantic interest is focused on a specific individual and may reflect more strongly than current connections. Obviously, multiple sorts of attraction can coexist. For some, sexual and emotional attraction can be romantic attractions, but not for all. For example, an asexual person may feel romantic connection to someone without feeling sexually attracted to them.

Sexual attraction

One of the most usually mentioned is sexual attraction. It makes individuals want to have sexual interaction with others or have sexual sentiments towards them. You may experience this type of attraction to your spouse on occasion, but you do not have to be in a relationship to find someone sexually appealing. When you are sexually attracted to someone, you are feeling love, yearning, or affection for them. Some people have higher degrees of sexual attraction, while others have none at all. Asexual persons, like aromantic people, simply do not experience sexual attraction or desire for others. This is perfectly natural, and it does not have to be an issue in a relationship. If they can find a suitable and understanding partner then their relationships may thrive via different sorts of attraction.

$!Attraction, is an important aspect of how you interact with others and establish your support network. – FREEPIK

Physical attraction

Physical attraction, also known as sensual attraction, is the desire to be surrounded by people who love, respect, and physically meet your needs. While this is common in romantic relationships, it is not always the case. Some people we touch in ways that are neither sexual or romantic in nature, such as our children, friends, or intimate family members. However, individuals do not always exhibit other characteristics that society expects as a generalisation, which causes some people to be perplexed. A vital component, as always, is to communicate to establish the other person’s agreement before initiating any physical contact to evaluate feelings before jumping to conclusions and having that touch misjudged.

Intellectual Attraction

This type of attraction isn’t quite in the same league as the other types of attractions we have discussed, but it’s still worth examining. Intellectual attraction is when you find someone’s ideas or intelligence alluring. This form of attraction may make you want to learn more about a person, obtain their thoughts on various issues, or discover new things from them. Although intellectual attraction is non-sexual, some individuals believe that they must first be intellectually attracted to someone before developing another sort of attraction, whether physical, emotional, or sexual. Many individuals regard intellectual attraction to be a facet of emotional attraction due to its entirely non-physical character.

Everyone has the opportunity to experience all of these forms of attractions to different persons at various stages in their lives. You may also have many forms of attractions for one individual or have a merely physical attraction blossom into a sexual and romantic attraction. In certain circumstances, an attraction to someone may just fade away.

Attraction is not really fixed; it changes dependent on who you are, your desires, and your previous experiences regardless of whether your interactions are platonic, sexual, romantic, or others. Even though there is no right or wrong way to be drawn to someone, understanding the five most prevalent forms of attraction may help you decide where you are in terms of your feelings for someone and how you want to approach them.