YOUNG and talented Pashini Sivakumar, who captured hearts with her portrayal of a brave policewoman in the new Tamil drama Kalvanai Kandupidi, currently playing on Astro Vinmeen (CH 231), revealed that she did extensive research on the topic of depression for the role.
“I’m playing Danyalakshmi, a police officer who is also the wife of the character Loges. Danya begins as a bold and precise person, then as the story develops she gradually transforms into a depressed and confused person,” said the 27-year-old, who studied pharmacy.
“Honestly, I went through an emotional rollercoaster ride for this character, as I needed to show the extreme sides of her, whether anger or sadness. I had to switch emotions within minutes.
“Moreover, for this character, I had to read a lot about depression and its effects on a person,” said the charming Pashini.
“It was a great experience. I must thank my director, Karthik Shaamalan, for giving me this role which is very close to my heart,” said Pashini, the former champion of the 2016 season of the endurance reality Vallavar show, which also aired on Astro.
In the supernatural drama series, Pashini’s character Danya is an independent woman who never fears to voice her opinions, and who is known for sticking to the rules.
At the same time, she is forced to deal with the collapse of her marriage, while investigating criminal cases which involve strange circumstances.
It’s not every day that a strong female character is shown on local Tamil drama series in Malaysia, but the talented Pashini is perfect for the role with her stellar performance.
Instead of playing a supporting character or a side-kick to the show’s male lead Vishan (played by Lingkesvaran Maniam), a man with psychic powers who encounters souls who have passed away, Pashini is able to hold her character on equal ground.
Pashini feels a connection to the character she plays. ”I can relate to Danya as I have the same traits [as her]. I would move mountains for my mum, and I am also a bold and independent person, just like Danya,” said Pashini, who hails from Sungai Buloh.
Apart from acting, Pashini loves to dance and grew up watching Tamil actresses dancing gracefully onscreen.
“When I was a child, I used to imitate them in front of the television, especially Tamil cinema actresses Jyothika and Simran.
“During high school, I participated in many stage plays, which led to my keen interest in acting. That’s how it all started,” she said.
However, Pashini became a model first, before stepping into the world of acting. She was the first runner-up in the Darzaniazs Model Search contest in 2014, an achievement which led to her being offered the chance to appear in many modeling campaigns.
“My first experience in front of a camera was during a TV commercial shoot for a saree brand which was back in 2013. I had to catwalk in front of almost 50 passers-by. It wasn’t the best experience as I was really shy,” said Pashini, who added that she has transformed into a more confident person since then.
“That’s when I got an offer for a music video. Initially, I was into modelling and then I slowly gravitated towards acting. I realised that was where my real passion lay.”
So why does she love being an actress?
“I believe acting is an adventurous job. We are involved in inventing new ideas and methods, everyday. Of course, it’s done with excitement. Actors tell stories that can sometimes inspire people,” explained Pashini.
“Besides that, I also love my job because it allows me to explore my skills and talent. I get to step out of my comfort zone by being in the shoes of a particular character designed by someone else.”