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Most urbanites would be able to recognise the convenience store Family Mart by its signature green and blue signboard. However, a black-and-white Family Mart outlet was recently spotted in Cameron Highlands and went viral on Twitter.

@dearsln posted a seemingly edited picture of the Family Mart outlet with the caption: “Found a Family Mart with its colour ink run out.”

$!A similar black-and-white sign for a 7-Eleven in Japan.

Twitter user @aqilahbaik replied that the phenomenon was something normal in Japan, where stores would have muted signboards so that the colours would not take away from the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Other netizens also stated how Japan has imposed a rule that no colourful signboards be set up near shrines and temples.

$!In Japan, some signs are more subdued so as not to overshadow certain landmarks or the surroundings.

In Japan, other big brand franchises including 7-Eleven and Starbucks also have similar low-key signboards to complement the surrounding areas, and to avoid overshadowing the beauty of the historically-themed landscape.

If you ever find yourself in Cameron Centrum, Pahang, take a look and see if you can find the black-and-white Family Mart!