BEING served measly portioned meals seems to be an issue these days.
It does not matter how cheap or expensive the food was as it is considered dishonest.
A man recently posted how he bought a sandwich, only to find a small, to put it lightly, amount of filling.
The post by Sukan Star TV - on Facebook showed that the sandwich cost RM5.30 but did not disclose where the food item was purchased.
One of the images attached showed that the “Golden Chicken with Crispy Cheese” sandwich had the tiniest bit of fried chicken covered with a green leafy vegetable.
According to the sandwich packaging, the ingredients listed were fried chicken and cabbage accompanied by a variety of sauces.
Netizens were amused, likening the sandwich to other foods with the same amount of filling while other commenters also posted their own experiences of buying similar sandwiches.
Some claimed that these sandwiches can be found at many rest stops across Malaysia.