EVERY country always has its ups and downs especially when it comes to public amenities.

While Malaysia’s public transportation is not always perfect, different perspectives, especially from foreigners can shed light on how fortunate Malaysians have it with affordable travel options.

An Indonesian woman recently commended Malaysia’s public transportation, touting it as a cheap alternative for everyone, including foreigners for travelling.

“When I moved to Malaysia and realized that all Malaysian citizens had the right to use public transportation at the lowest prices, even being able to buy a monthly pass for just RM50.

“I immediately understood that my country didn’t care as much about taking care of people’s basic needs,” Alivia Alwin said in her X post.

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Alwin then explained how she became “aware” how her home country was not “managing” things in terms of public transport well, pointing out how a daily pass by RapidKL is issued to tourists or foreigners costs just RM10.

“For just RM10, you could travel around Kuala Lumpur all day long,” she added.

Comparing to the cost of public transport back in Indonesia, she claimed that the same amount, converted to around 35,000 rupiah is “barely enough” for a round trip to work in Jakarta.

Many agreed with her sentiments, also noting how other countries’ public transportation such as Korea and Australia.

However, other users pointed out how public transportation outside of Kuala Lumpur or even major cities is not as developed.

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