A dentist based in Sarawak warned of the consequences of lying after a patient of his did not tell the truth about not eating breakfast before his dental appointment.

The patient, in his 50s, told the dentist that he has diabetes and when the doctor asked if he ate his breakfast and took his medication, the patient confirmed that he did do so, according to a TikTok video by @ddeeeeeennnn.

Little did the, patient Aiman Saimusi (not his real name), know that his white lie would come to bite him back as he felt faint following a tooth extraction procedure.

Deen, concerned, asked Aiman about his condition and then asked what did he eat for breakfast.

Aiman’s wife told Deen that he only drank plain water, which worried Deen as he knew the patient’s body had possibly gone into a hypoglycemic state.

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“He must have gone into a hypoglycemic state, meaning the sugars in his blood is low.

“Hence why he felt faint.

“Diabetics are often afflicted with this condition,” Deen said in his video.

Deen quickly asked one of the staff, Ani (not her real name), to buy a Milo drink for Aiman but she realised she had not enough money so Deen was left with no choice but to rush to a nearby shop to purchase the drink.

Aiman’s condition stabilised after consuming the Milo drink.

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Deen gently warned Aiman not to repeat this incident again as it is dangerous for his health.

“They understood because this situation has happened before

“The moral of this story is do not lie to your doctor. Even more when it comes to tooth extraction procedures or surgery because it is risky. We want things to go well and safe, especially for older patients or those with chronic diseases,” Deen concluded his video.

Netizens agreed with the Deen’s sentiments and pointed out how hypoglycemia should be taken seriously, claiming it carries more risk than hyperglycemia.