A nurse recently shared a cautionary tale involving 10 male youths in Malaysia who allegedly lost half of their private parts due to injecting performance-enhancing drugs.

In a Threads post by @husnaharidz, the nurse said that one of her colleagues, a medical officer, shared the “mind-blowing” case to her while on their hospital rounds.

In the case of these 10 youths, aged between 19 to 20 years old, they were recently admitted to the hospital’s emergency department at around 3am and doctors found that their genitals had become “necrotic.”

Necrosis is a medical term regarding the death of tissue cells in the body, occurring due to illness, infection, injury or lack of blood flow to the tissue cells. This condition can affect the skin, bones and organs.

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“Half of (their penises) were already black. They asked one of them how it got to that state and one of the boys said it was due to injecting aphrodisiacs,” Husna claimed in her Threads post.

When the medical officer asked why these young men did such a thing, one of them responded, saying that they learnt this information from a friend who claimed that it will help them “last longer”.

“All of them had to be admitted to have half of their penises amputated. They are still so young, unmarried - who knows if they will ever get married,” she added.

Replying to a Threads user, Husna later confirmed that the youths’ private works were still functioning, just at a smaller size due to the amputation.

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Netizens were just as shocked and baffled, wondering why these adolescents would resort to such methods.

“They only went to see the doctor after it had become necrotic. Thank goodness they still went to the hospital,” one user said.

“Too young to be that (foolish). That is why it is important to choose the right friends,” another netizen commented.