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IN a video recorded on Sunday, Jan 21, a TikTok user described his experience riding the LA Metro in an underground station.

The 25-second video depicts a trash-strewn train station full with homeless people sleeping on the ground and in seats.

The footage additionally shows a guy vomiting on the floor beside a bench packed with clothes, which is thought to belong to homeless people.

When @hamalsiren boarded the train, he noticed several riders using more than one seat, writing in the caption, “The coach is smelly due to homeless people sleeping here.”

After witnessing the terrible cleanliness at the Los Angeles train station, many Malaysians expressed thankfulness for Prasarana’s well-maintained local Light Rapid Transit (LRT) and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) lines.

“Actually, we Malaysians should be proud. “Our public transportation system is cleaner,“ observed one netizen.

While another added, “We Malaysians must be thankful for what we have.”

A TikTok user even derided the premise that Malaysia should model its growth and cleanliness after Western nations, implying that these countries have more serious problems than Malaysia.

According to the Los Angeles Times, violent incidents at metro stations increased by 72% in early 2022, with only 11% of riders feeling comfortable travelling the train at night.

To address the issue, LA Metro spent more than $100 million to combat both violence and homelessness.