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POPULAR Korean variety show Running Man is bringing six of its cast members Jee Seok-jin, Yoo Jae-seok, Kim Jong-kook, Haha, Song Ji-hyo and Yang Se-chan to Malaysia for a live event Running Man: Run 2 U on Feb 15, 2025 at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre.

Running Man debuted in 2010 and has captivated global audiences with its unique blend of humour, creativity and adventure. Now celebrating 14 years of success, the show has aired 732 episodes, making it the longest-running variety programme in Korea.

For Malaysian fans, the event's highlight is the debut appearance of Yoo and Yang. Yoo, renowned for his sharp wit, humour and humility, is a household name in Korea, while Yang's humorous yet passionate style has endeared him to viewers. Their participation, alongside the rest of the cast, promises unforgettable moments and close interactions with fans, making this event a truly special occasion.

Running Man is one of South Korea's most iconic variety shows. Over 14 years, it has gained acclaim for its innovative challenges and games, ranging from high-energy races through South Korean streets to thrilling adventures across the globe. The show has become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring fans worldwide to replicate its games.

The programme has earned numerous accolades, including the Netizens' Favourite Programme Award at the SBS Entertainment Awards, the Most Popular TV Programme Award by Business Insider, and the top Korean variety show ranking on platforms like iQiyi Taiwan. It has also received the Korean Brand Customer Loyalty Award for three consecutive years and the Brand of the Year Award. The cast’s teamwork has been repeatedly recognised, with multiple group and individual honours at the SBS Entertainment Awards.

Malaysia holds a special place in the hearts of the Running Man team. The previous fan meeting in 2017 drew massive crowds and created cherished memories. This time, with the full cast reuniting in Kuala Lumpur, fans can look forward to even more spectacular performances, games and surprises.

Tickets for the event, priced from RM288 to RM958, will be available from Dec 26. The event is organised by Sunstrong Entertainment.