Disrespect can manifest itself in all sorts of ways

THE tough thing about disrespect is that identifying it frequently needs some amount of judgement. Of course, there are obvious symptoms of disrespect, such as crossing physical boundaries and verbal attacks, but signs that a person has little regard for you are sometimes far more subtle. Disrespect is often comprised of a succession of little behaviours that leave you feeling offended, furious, and sometimes even perplexed. Subtle disrespect frequently causes you to second-guess yourself. It makes you wonder if the perpetrator was merely being thoughtless and insensitive, or whether they intended to upset you. It might make you wonder if your emotions are warranted or if you are being unduly sensitive.

$!You deserve to be treated with respect and care because you are a person with feelings. – 123rf

They do not keep their promises

It may be incredibly annoying to be constantly surrounded by individuals who do not keep their commitments. This implies that they never took these promises seriously in the first place. Perhaps someone offers to meet you but does not appear. Or perhaps you have co-workers that claim they will cover for you but never do. Overall, a disrespectful person has a difficult time retaining their integrity. It’s much worse if they don’t inform you ahead of time that they’re not going to follow through on their first pledge. This indicates that they are unconcerned about the effects of their behaviour on you.

They are always negative towards you

It is a show of disrespect if someone is continuously harsh towards you. The individual not only does not respect your views, but he or she also does not appreciate what you do. People that constantly criticise your every action do not perceive your potential and do not see you favourably. Furthermore, they are most likely intimidated by your achievement. When something positive happens to them, their first reaction is to diminish your accomplishments rather than appreciating and learning from it.

They reveal your secrets

People you care about should be recognised as the finest secret keepers, but if they do not do so or don’t even attempt and leak it everywhere, be wary the next time. They will promise and tells you to trust them, but then they can’t maintain it, and if you approach them, they act as though they are too innocent and that other people have deceived them into revealing their secrets. As much as you care about your pal and friendship, it demonstrates that your friend is not reliable and that you may not be able to rely on your friend in times of need.

$!Disrespectful people are known to be very critical of the people around them. – FREEPIK

They don’t validate your feelings

When we are discussing profoundly sensitive information about your emotions, it may be hard to open up. Others may reply by confirming that your feelings are understandable and anticipated. A disrespectful individual, on the other hand, is typically inconsiderate and may dispute the legitimacy of your emotions. They may remark something like: “Perhaps you’re simply overreacting.” These are statements that no one likes to hear, especially when they are in a vulnerable position. Disrespectful people may also lack compassion, which is required for safe environments. They have no desire to assist others in resolving their issues.

Backhanded compliments

Half-hearted compliments occur when someone praise you while also condemning you. People who can’t complement you while also knocking you down are disrespectful, and they typically don’t care about you all that much on the inside. They also frequently battle with their own self-esteem difficulties.

They laugh at your opinions

A decent person does not have to agree with all of your points of view, but they should be interested in learning about them. Someone who often laughs at your ideas is really not interested in what you believe. They typically make you feel humiliated and make it tough for you to express your thoughts and feelings. However, keep in mind that other individuals do not have mind-reading abilities. At times, funny remarks to mask how tough it is for us to discuss a subject. While this allows you to discuss an issue, the other may not know how significant it is to you. Determine whether that individual is laughing with you or at you. Laughing with you is an important part in any kind of relationship while laughing at you is rude and unpleasant.

$!Whenever you feel like people are treating you differently, remind them that you’re just a person too. – 123rf

Leaving you out of a conversation

Leaving people out of the conversation is a blatant display of disrespect. It separates you from the group in order to make you feel as though you don’t belong. But let me makes this clear, you do. Make an effort to connect with the people around you to help disrespectful individuals get to know you as a person worthy of respect. If this is happening at work, inform your or higher-ups if the disrespectful behaviour worsens or continues, since this might indicate a more serious racism.

They take advantage of your insecurities

Disrespectful individuals may feel compelled to harm those around them in order to make oneself feel much better. When they do try to hurt you, they may bring up your insecurities to make you doubt your own value. It’s crazy how well they predict what will hurt you the most. They may do it by bringing up terrible incidents from your past that you are now dealing with. It is normal for them to even twist the truth in order to make you feel bad about yourself.

Disrespectful individuals may also use your innermost fears to manipulate you. They may also constantly remind you of every mistake you made in the past. It makes no difference to them whether it if your past. Their main purpose is to make you appear awful, and they will go to any length to do it.