ARIA, the sole Indian member of upcoming K-pop group X:IN is getting all the love and attention from fans all over the globe.

Aria, a 20-year-old Malayali from the Kerala region, has won support from native Indian fans, and it appears they are excited to see someone from their own country making a name for herself in the K-pop world.

Aria is also getting praise from Korean fans for her stunning looks and musical talents. And it’s not just in Korea; Aria’s talent and performing skills have also drawn a fanbase in China.

Aside from Aria, the multi-national X:IN has two Korean members, one Korean-Australian member, one Russian member. The group made its official debut yesterday with their song Keeping the Fire.

Born on March 12, 2003, Aria is said to have previously been a child actress, with a role in a Malayalam-language Indian movie titled Melviasom in 2011.

However, Aria is not the first Indian K-pop idol. That title falls to Shreya Lenka (stage name Sriya) from Black Swan, another multi-national group which also comprises Youngheun, Fatou, Judy, and Leiam.

Watch X:IN’s debut music video here: