ONE bright morning in 2004, a family was enjoying the lovely sea view and paid scant attention to a high wave fast approaching. That rolling wave was a harbinger of the deadliest tsunami to hit Asia in ...
ALL travellers have experienced at least one occasion when they set out on a route and yet unknowingly go off-track, only realising it when their senses tell them something is wrong.
THE country’s first public caning in Terengganu last month of a 42-year-old man for the offence of khalwat (being alone with a woman in a morally impermissible situation) created much interest.
WHAT is Malaysia’s New Year resolution? If we have not set a common goal for all people to achieve, it is time to focus on improving multifaith understanding in line with the first and leading principle ...
MANY will have forgotten a speech by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim last May, in which he called for more frequent dialogues between people of different faiths to build bridges across cultures ...
THE nations have just one choice – either fight climate change together or fight each other. If we fight both wars, we will be destroyed by climate change, if we are not destroyed by our geopolitical wars. ...