A local man decided to step in and help motorists stuck in gridlock traffic due to a malfunctioning red light in Bangi.

A viral video posted on TikTok showed the man assuming the duties of a traffic policeman, wearing only a shirt and ‘sarong’ with some simple sandals.

The incident is believed to have taken place on Wednesday (March 5) morning.

@syafiqah.shamsuddin praised the man’s brave act of helping motorists in gridlock as the red traffic light was not working properly.

She added that she was worried for his safety as he was not wearing a reflective vest or helmet for motorists to notice his presence on the road seeing as there were many vehicles on the road.

Netizens applauded the man taking the initiative to help other motorists out of a sticky situation.

“Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear a ‘sarong’,” a netizen commented.

Some also remarked how the motorists in the clip were compliant to this new traffic cop.

“Malaysians are nice, right? Even though he is not in uniform, what he did made things easier for other people. Everyone just followed his instructions nicely,” a user said.

The sarong clad man, who is a Mathematics teacher, responded to the viral clip and thanked those who cooperated during the incident.