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OSAKA: The Malaysian government will strengthen the ‘One Village One Product’ programme by producing more materials including ingredients for halal products to meet increasing global demand for such products.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said micro, small and medium entrepreneurs (MSME) at the village level should capitalise on this to explore more market opportunities overseas, including in Japan.

Therefore, Ahmad Zahid, who is also Malaysia Halal Industry Development Council chairman, said the production of ingredients including for halal products under the programme would be integrated.

“It (One Village One Product Programme) is already there but I am proposing that it be integrated because just one village is not sufficient (to produce products or ingredients). Maybe 50 to 100 villages should combine to produce the same product.

“Not necessarily end products but ingredients too would be helpful because the demand is high and we should seize this opportunity. Not only lemongrass, for example; demand for soursop leaves for herbs is also high here and in European and United States markets,” he added.

He told the Malaysian media this after witnessing the signing of two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between the Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) and two entities in Japan in the halal sector.

Ahmad Zahid also led the Malaysian delegation in meeting leading Japanese halal industry players at the Roundtable Session: ‘Connecting Halal Ecosystems Between Malaysia and Japan to Enhance Trade, Investment and Quality Employment.’

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Rural and Regional Development Minister, said the production of structured and integrated materials or ingredients is to ensure a consistent output of halal products to fulfil the increasing demand.

So far, there are about 15,000 villages under the Rural and Regional Development Ministry.

“I will use this opportunity to ask my officers and those from other departments and agencies to encourage villagers to produce ingredients for integration and marketing overseas,” he said.

Earlier, Ahmad Zahid visited Sanda Shokuniku Kosha Co., Ltd to see the operations of the Japanese slaughterhouse in producing and supplying halal beef.-Bernama