NEW YORK: In a significant statement addressed to the United Nations Security Council, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) called for urgent action to avert famine.

The UAE also reiterated its support for all initiatives aimed at achieving a ceasefire and restoring civilian government, including formally calling on all warring parties to participate in the Jeddah talks process, Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.

At the United Nations (UN), the UAE Mission commended the role of Uganda and key African Union (AU) officials, including regional leaders, in their efforts to end the crisis.

The UAE has joined the call by the African Union Peace and Security Council to the leaders of the warring factions to meet under the auspices of the AU and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development without further delay and to participate in the forthcoming all-inclusive Sudan political dialogue process in Addis Ababa from June 10 to July 15.

In a statement issued in New York, the UAE mission to the UN made an urgent call to address the risk of famine and continues to stress the importance of allowing and facilitating the urgent, unhindered and sustained passage of humanitarian relief for the civilians in need.

“The international community must significantly increase its support to Sudan. The response to this crisis is too important to continue to be held back by warring factions who do not represent the interests of the Sudanese people”

“The UAE remains focused on working with international partners to mitigate the risk of famine and to encourage the warring parties to engage positively in a political process.

“Furthermore the UAE supports all initiatives aimed at ending this conflict and firmly believes that peace talks should be supported by all those who wish to see a peaceful resolution to the conflict,” read the statement.

The country reaffirmed its “support for efforts to de-escalate tensions, implement a ceasefire and advance negotiations leading to the restoration of a legitimate government that is representative of all Sudanese people”.

The UAE will continue to make its case through the UN to help end the conflict and remove the fog of disinformation from international discussions that seek to obscure the path towards the resolution of the conflict and an end to the suffering in Sudan. - Bernama, WAM