National archive of Malaysia wants schools with historical background to come forward

19 Oct 2016 / 19:04 H.

    GEORGE TOWN: Schools with historical background have been urged to come forward to the National Archive of Malaysia to ensure the history of the schools can be recorded.
    Its Director-General Azemi Abdul Aziz said so far the Penang Free School (PFS) is the only school in Malaysia that had collaborated with the National Archive to record the school's history since the day it was built.
    "It is important to preserve the history and I urge other schools that want to follow the footsteps of PFS to come forward," he said during a press conference after the storytelling segment in conjunction with the school's bicentennial celebration.
    Azemi said that there were many schools in Malaysia such as SMK Clifford and Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) that have exceeded the 100-year benchmark.
    "We can help document it but the schools need to give us their support in the process. We can't do it alone," he said.
    Azemi also said his department support efforts to gazette the school as a national heritage site as it has played an important role in educating the people.
    "Many of our prominent leaders and figures including Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj, Tan Sri P.Ramli had received their education here in this school.
    Hence, its contribution towards the nation is enormous," he said.
    On Monday, Tourism and Culture minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said that his ministry had no problem in gazetting the school as a national heritage site as the state has already gazetted it as a state heritage site.
    PFS headmaster, Omar Abd Rashid said that he was honoured with the commitment by the National Archive and to document the history of the school.
    PFS, the oldest English medium school in Malaysia and South East Asia will be celebrating its 200th birthday this Friday and the celebration will be officiated by the Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed Putra Jamalullail. — Bernama

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