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SEPANG: A food rider was fined RM50,000 by the Sessions Court here today after pleading guilty to uploading a video which insulted Islam on his YouTube last Saturday (July 16).

Judge Ahmad Rizki Abdul Jalil meted out the fine, in default six months jail, on Mohd Nor’ Muzil Mohd Razalli, 39, who was charged with improper use of the network facilities.

The man was charged with making and initiating the transmission of the offensive communication using the YouTube application with the intention of annoying others at 11.14 pm last July 16 in front of the Shell petrol station in Cyberjaya.

He was charged under Section 233 (1)(a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (Act 588), punishable under Section 233(3) of the same act, which provides a maximum fine of RM50,000 or imprisonment for up to one and can also be fined RM1,000 for each day the offence continues after conviction.

The prosecution was conducted by deputy public Prosecutor Nor Azizah Aling, while the accused was unrepresented.-Bernama