GERAK (Malaysian Academic Movement) is appalled at the news that Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam, who recently exposed her male Physical Education teacher for making predator comments, is being threatened with expulsion.

Sadly and ironically, we have heard nothing about actions being taken against the offending teacher. Ain’s brave exposure has had reverberations nationwide.

She has revealed a rape culture that is evident in our educational institutions, despite defensive dismissals by those involved and, sadly, a lack of will and wisdom on the part of the Education Ministry to address the problem.

Rape is a violent crime and must not be treated facetiously. The rape culture must be addressed and destroyed.

Ain has bravely spearheaded a movement that will lead to greater awareness and much-needed action for reform.

GERAK stands firm with Ain.

Punishing the victim is not the way of an enlightened society – but barbarians.