SANDAKAN: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) recorded 37 arrests in the Sandakan Maritime Zone during the first six months of this year, with seizures totaling over RM1.2 million.

MMEA acting director-general, Vice Admiral Datuk Saiful Lizan Ibrahim, said these arrests demonstrate the agency’s commitment to combating criminal activities and misconduct at sea, particularly in Sandakan waters.

“The success of these arrests was significantly aided by information provided by the public, especially the maritime community, such as fishermen who are well-acquainted with the movements and activities occurring in our waters,“ he said in a statement today.

Earlier, he launched the Kembara Sahabat Maritim 2024 programme at Sekolah Kebangsaan Terusan Baru, Pulau Timbang, here.

He also expressed hope that the maritime community would continue to act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of MMEA, to curb criminal activities at sea, thereby keeping the nation’s waters safe and secure.

“I hope that more community programmes would be organised regularly because this helps to strengthen cooperation and understanding between MMEA and the maritime community,“ he added.

Saiful Lizan also noted that the number of arrests so far this year nearly matches the figures recorded in the previous two years, with 47 cases with seizures worth RM86,000 in 2022 and 42 cases with seizures worth RM270,000 in 2023.