PETALING JAYA: A 72-year-old woman passed away due to breathing difficulties after choking on a piece of rambutan at her home in Felda Lawin Utara in Gerik, Perak on Sunday (July 14).

Gerik district police chief Superintendent Zulkifli Mahmood said that the incident was reported by the Klinik Kesihatan Lawin.

He said that police officers immediately went to the clinic for an inspection and found no criminal elements on the victim’ body, according to Kosmo.

The victim’s 46-year-old daughter said that her mother had experienced breathing difficulties when she was brought inside from the veranda at 7pm, he added.

“The victim was then taken to the clinic for an examination, where the medical team found something lodged in the woman’s throat, which turned out to be a rambutan seed,” he was reported as saying.

The victim was immediately given CPR by the medical officers but was pronounced dead.

Post-mortem conducted on the woman’s body at the Gerik Hospital’s Forensic Unit found that she died due to breathing difficulties.

“The case is classified as sudden death. The victim’s body has been claimed by her family for burial arrangements,” he said.