PETALING JAYA: The George Town Festival 2024 team has issued a public apology over its teaser video after it received flak for the video’s omission of Malay representation.

In a statement on July 15, the organiser stated that they “tried their best to ensure inclusive, comprehensive, and balanced representation in terms of program categories, gender groups, ages, and ethnic representations in all George Town Festival programmes.”

They also explained that representatives of various ethnicities have been invited to participate in the same teaser video.

“Malay culture is indeed rich with artistic and cultural elements which George Town Festival has featured every year,” they said.

They added this year’s festival will include eight programmes from individual and community Malay groups.

“The George Town Festival 2024 team will continue to promote the George Town Festival as a festival that fosters a spirit of unity in realizing a prosperous and civilized Malaysian society.

“We take this opportunity to sincerely apologise for any shortcomings and misunderstandings that may have arisen.

“We will continue to strive to make the George Town Festival 2024 a success with a renewed spirit.”

The teaser video, titled Here and Now, was published ahead of the 10-day festival.

George Town Festival (GTF) now in its 15th edition, will feature an array of events from July 19 to July 25.