JOHOR BAHRU: Johor police have confirmed receiving six reports related to fraud cases involving the supply of food to the state Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM), resulting in losses amounting to RM24,900.

Johor police chief CP M Kumar said the incidents occurred when victims received phone calls from unknown individuals offering supply tenders for catering services at events organised by the department.

He said the victims were then instructed to make payments to specified bank accounts to secure the tenders.

“Believing the offers, victims proceeded to make payments as directed, only realising they were deceived after checking with JBPM that the offers were false.

“The police advise the public not to easily trust offers received via phone and to verify them first,“ he said in a statement today.

Kumar said the police received all six reports between last Friday and yesterday, with all the victims being caterers.

Meanwhile, Johor Fire and Rescue Department director Siti Rohani Nadir said the suspects’ modus operandi involved issuing offer letters for the supply of cooked food for events organised by the department.

She said the suspects asked the victims to provide a sum of money for the purchase of gifts, and payments had to be made to a third party.

“However, after the payments were made, the suspects could no longer be contacted,” she added.